These policies were most recently reviewed and approved by IODE Laurentian on November 1, 2023
- Executive and Officers:
- The Chapter will elect the following officers: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, officers for citizenship, communications, education, adopted classrooms, membership, services, correspondence, archives and standard bearer. Other officers and assistant officers may be appointed if required.
- Terms of Office:
- The term of office for the President is two years. No President may hold office for more than two consecutive terms in a row.
- The term of office for every other member of the Executive and Officers is one year. No other member of the Executive or Officer may hold the same office for more than ten consecutive terms in a row.
- Internal Management Committee Meetings:
- Internal Management Committee Meetings, consisting of the President, Past President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer, shall be held when required by the President and/or Executive Officers. These Meetings may formulate responses to rapidly emerging issues, which must be approved by the members at a General Meeting.
- Disbursement of Publicly-Raised Funds:
- Money raised from the public by IODE Laurentian will be voted by the membership to support IODE projects and to support local projects that relate to IODE’s stated charitable purpose in the areas of citizenship, education, and service.
- Funds donated by IODE Laurentian for local projects: (a) must be undertaken by a registered charity or other qualified donee recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency; (b) may not be used for ongoing operating expenses; (c) should be designated for a specific purpose (e.g., furnishing a room, purchasing equipment or furnishing a library); and (d) should be appropriately acknowledged.
- Privacy:
- On behalf of IODE Canada, IODE Laurentian collects the following personal information from each member: first and last names, postal and email addresses, home and cellular telephone phone numbers, the year the member joined IODE, emergency contact information, and birthday.
- The collection of this personal information is for the following purposes: to compile a membership list that is shared only with other IODE members; to communicate with members about IODE matters; to recognize significant anniversaries of IODE membership; to salute birthdays; to reach designated contacts in cases of emergency, and to send cards, flowers or donations on occasions of illness or bereavement.
- The Chapter does not use your personal information for any other purpose than as listed above and safeguards your personal information from unauthorized access.
- By choosing to be a member of IODE and by providing this personal information, members consent to its collection and use in accordance with this policy as outlined above.
- As well, during IODE events and activities, photographs and/or video recordings of members may be taken. By participating in an IODE event, members consent to the use of their names and images in IODE media. Members who do not wish to have their names or images used in IODE media must notify the Communications Officer in writing.
- Any non-Chapter person who is photographed or video-recorded at IODE Laurentian events must consent in writing prior to the use of her or his name and image in IODE media.
- Flower Fund:
- Chapter funds, raised from the public in the name of IODE, must not be used to purchase the IODE badge or bars or any item for presentation to members.
- At each general and annual general meeting, members will be given the opportunity to contribute to the Chapter’s Flower Fund. These monies are to be held separately from Chapter funds and to be administered by the Correspondence Officer.
- At the discretion of the Correspondence Officer, flowers and cards purchased with monies from the Flower Fund may be sent to Chapter members who are ill or bereaved.
- Any other use of the Flower Fund must be voted on by Chapter members and receipts presented prior to the disbursement of any funds.
- Recognition:
- IODE Laurentian Life Memberships: Any chapter member may nominate, for the approval of 75% of the membership, any fellow member for chapter Life Membership in recognition of that member’s outstanding, valuable and personal service over a number of years to raising funds (i.e. bake, preserve, ad or ticket sales); increasing chapter membership; establishing legacy partnerships or projects; and strengthening the efficient and effective management of chapter activities. Nominations, including a description of the nominee’s valuable and continuing contribution to the chapter, must be submitted no later than November 1 of each year to the President for the approval of the membership
- Ontario Volunteer Service Awards: Each year, in order of their length of service, IODE Laurentian will nominate up to six eligible members for the Ontario Volunteer Service Award in the following order: 1) members who have reached their 10th anniversary of service; 2) members who have previously received an award who have reached their next higher anniversary with who have the greatest length of service recognized first (ie 40, then 35, then 30); 3) members who have reached their 5th anniversary. Nominees must be Ontario residents and have been a member for at least five years.
- IODE Laurentian Membership Anniversary Award: Each year, IODE Canada anniversary pins will be awarded to members celebrating 10, 25, 50, or 60 years of membership, and IODE Laurentian Membership Anniversary Certificates will be awarded to members marking each five years of membership.
- IODE Laurentian Certificate of Appreciation Award: Each year, IODE Laurentian, through consultation among the executive and officers and with the approval of the membership, may award a Certificate of Appreciation to any chapter member or community partner who, in their view, has made a significant contribution to the chapter or community.